Steven Tyler is Caitlyn Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner To Grace SI’s Swimsuit Cover

Steven Tyler is Caitlyn Jenner

New York, NY- Stephen Cannella, the managing editor for Sports Illustrated magazine, dropped a bombshell on the entire world today when he announced that Caitlyn Jenner would be the featured star of the world renowned SI swimsuit issue.

“We, at Sports Illustrated, are very proud to announce that Caitlyn Jenner will be the focal point of our next swimsuit issue in February 2019.” Cannella announced. “We recently concluded the photo shoot with Caitlyn and we are thrilled with the photos. We believe this issue, just like all previous issues, will find its way under the mattresses of many a teen boy.”

When asked how SI had come to the decision to use a transgender person in their swimsuit edition, Cannella replied, “We tested a large group of swimsuit photos with millennial men and found that they generally preferred pictures of other men or men who had transgendered into women. That made the decision pretty easy for us.”

When asked if he thought this was a risky move, Cannella smiled and exclaimed, “Millennial men like a dude that looks like a lady. This should be our best seller of all time!”

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