Dehumanizing America


San Francisco, CA- The dehumanization of America, and the world, is in full swing. Covid-19, if it ever truly existed, has moved to the back burner. The world economy is shot to hell. Depression and suicide numbers are off the charts, and rightfuly so, given what our governments have done to our lives and economies. … Read more

Strokey Joe Biden

Biden’s Massive Stroke Scheduled For September 28, 2020

Washington, DC – According to a leaked e-mail between Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, democratic front-runner, Joe Biden, has been scheduled to suffer a massive and debilitating stroke on September 28th, 2020, just prior to any presidential debates. Biden has never done well in debates and his dementia has made things even worse. He still … Read more

Newsom Bans Farting

Covid-19: Newsom Bans Farting In California.

Sacramento, CA- California governor, Gavin Newsom, is pulling out all of the stops in an effort to slow the spread of Covid-19. Or rather, he is pushing all of the stops in as he orders Californians to stop farting immediately. “We know that the aerosol from our breath has a six foot spray pattern,” Newsom … Read more

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