Los Angeles, CA- Los Angeles has had it’s share of big drama over the last several decades, what with the shenanigans of Charlie Manson, OJ Simpson and the like. This new revelation will really put the “la-la” into LA-LA Land.
“Magic Johnson has been keeping a low profile for the last few months,” stated Kawanna Bruwn, CBSO of Magic Johnson Enterprises. “Magic put a lot of time and effort into bringing LeBron to the Lakers. At some point early in the negotiations, Magic and LeBron fell in love. The deal turned out to be the most moronic deal in NBA history, but the love affair between the two men has blossomed into the greatest story ever told.”
Ms. Bruwn went on to say, “Magic decided several months ago that he wanted to undergo gender reassignment surgery and live full time as a woman. Over the last several months, Magic has undergone several related procedures in Denver and Sweden, and is now living as LeBron’s wife, Magie. The couple are enjoying their new life and love and plan to adopt several children from 3rd world countries like Botswana, Chad, and San Francisco.”
President Trump and Don Lemon both praised the union on Saturday. The President saying, “I always enjoy a good love story.” And Lemon added, “I’d love to be the roast beef between those two slices of pumpernickel!”
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