San Francisco, CA- The long history of the American welfare system seems to be a bone of contention for so many in America. While social welfare is a very necessary program, any high dollar program administered by the government will certainly be fraught with fraud, corruption and bloat. The American welfare system contains all of the aforementioned flaws, not to mention the flaw of robbing a certain element of society of the opportunity to become an integral part of the American Dream. Robbing them of their sense of accomplishment, self esteem and self worth, turning them into dependent slaves to their government. How and why does this happen?
Before we try to understand the myriad ways and reasons the government works so hard to keep the poor, poor, let’s first understand the history of social welfare in America.
When America was first colonized, the colonies used the British Poor Laws as their guide for social welfare. The British Poor Laws stated that there was a distinction between those who were unable to work because of age or health, and those who were able bodied and yet, unemployed. The government gave the former group cash, food and clothing to meet their needs. The latter group were put to work in public service workhouses. Pretty great system, right? There was constant effort to reform the social welfare system throughout the 19th century, mainly aimed at training people in morals, manners and work ethic.
The Great Depression became a turning point for the American social welfare system. With nearly 25% of the American workforce out of work, President Roosevelt stepped in and created the social welfare system, The New Deal, that we know today. Roosevelt set up the Social Security Act of 1935, establishing unemployment compensation and aid to dependent children, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of Labor, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Education.
The creation of these sprawling government entities addressed several problems the country was facing. The first, and main problem addressed, was security for the poor, providing food, shelter, and medical care. The second problem addressed by The New Deal, and one no less important than the first, was putting the educated unemployed to work. The creation of these sprawling government programs required educated and capable employees, who just happened to be the people who were screaming the loudest for a job.
So, what kind of conclusions can we draw here?
Is Social Welfare necessary? Absolutely. Is the American Social Welfare system fraught with fraud and corruption? Absolutely. Is every government department so consumed by bloat that it costs much more to administer the program than the program pays to the beneficiaries? Absolutely. Do we have generations of able bodied people drawing social welfare, not because they can’t work, but rather that they don’t want to work? Absolutely. So then, why would the government allow this huge waste of taxpayer dollars?
Do you know who is the single largest employer in the state of California? The California Department of Corrections. Guess who is second, I dare you. That is right, the Department of Health and Human Services. If you check with every state in the Republic, you will find the very same story.
Here’s how it works: Kids are told that they need to go to college so the can get a good job. Some do. That doesn’t mean they are intelligent people, but it does mean that they can be responsible and follow through. Every year, good jobs for college grads become fewer and farther between, not to mention good college grads become fewer and farther between. This has been the case forever and, as noted previously in the article, they are the people who cry, and are heard, the loudest. “We did what we were told. We are in massive debt to pay for college. Now you have no job for me?” Then the government comes to the rescue to create jobs for people who are otherwise, to some extent, not the cream of the employment crop, but have a sheepskin. That is where departmental bloat comes from. The most sickening part of the equation is that, for every person the government hires, whether it be in HHS or Corrections, the government must also create a workload for each hire. That means that 50-200 people must be HELD DOWN to raise one up. Those are facts! Unacceptable, but facts. Your federal and state governments must continue to build these slave populations so that they have reason to hire the boobs coming out of college and to take more and more of your earnings each and every year. After all, no one wants children to be homeless or hungry. No one wants hardened criminals on the street. It is all a vicious cycle of government interfering in the lives of the people. No matter which class you are in, your nuts are in a vise. Feeling the pressure yet?
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