Atlanta, GA- In his address to the NRA in Atlanta today, President Donald Trump announced, amongst other things, that he would be backing off of the North Korean dictator, Kim Jung Un and his backward country.
“After great thought and negotiations with various other nations, I have decided that my administration will be backing off on our pressure against North Korea and their nuclear program,” the president began. “We will continue to enforce all deals and sanctions we have in place with North Korea, but we will seek no further actions. We have seen no positives coming out of engaging the North Korean dictator.”
President Trump went on to say, “We really don’t have anything to lose by North Korea gaining the ability to nuclearize an intercontinental ballistic missile. The only area in the country they will be able to hit is San Francisco. Quite frankly, they can bomb the Hell out of SanCtuary Francisco. I say good riddance and take the 9th circuit court too!”
The president received a standing ovation and rousing applause for his comments on San Francisco and the 9th circuit court.
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