Donald Trump Pedo Files

YAHOO: Russia, Ukraine Release Trump Pedo Files

Washington, DC – YAHOO News is reporting that two of the worlds most corrupt and morally bankrupt countries, Russia and Ukraine, two countries that rarely get along or see eye to eye on anything, are ready to simultaneously release their clandestine pedo files on former US President, Donald Trump. According to Yahoo News, the governments … Read more

Trump, Clintons take down America

Is Trump In On It?

Washington, DC- As you look around at the forced state of decay of the American civilization, one can’t help wonder, “How did we get here”? Almost overnight, our country, and the world, were plunged into a nonsensical shutdown that wreaked havoc on a prolific economy and further forced the citizens to choose sides; as if … Read more


Reuters: Leaked Test Results; Rapinoe Is A Hermaphrodite

Paris, FR- Reuters has just published an explosive expose that could cost the US women’s soccer team their World Cup championship. In the report, French journalist, Obee G. Wyen, states that soccer star, Megan Rapinoe, is actually not a woman, but rather a hermaphrodite. International soccer rules do not allow for the use of hermaphrodites … Read more

Obama fingers Chicago and America

Obama Clears Smollett Crimes In Chicago

Chicago, IL – In an astounding turn of events, out of nowhere, Cook County State’s Attorneys dropped all charges in the Smollett hate crime hoax after a clandestine meeting with Barack Obama over the weekend in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. After first attempting to deny that the meeting took place, and once the Obama Secret Service Detail … Read more

Smollett is a puppet for the Clintons hoax. Smollett sucks dick.

Smollett: The Clintons Paid Me To Perpetrate Ruse

Chicago, IL- In an afternoon press conference, Chicago police superintendent, Eddie Riccio, announced that there has been a significant turn of events in the Smollett case. “Just this morning, during further questioning of Jessie Smollett, we were able to get an admission from Mr. Smollett that the entire story of his assault was a hoax,” … Read more

Americans demand Congress get to work.

Asylum Caravans March From Detroit And Chicago To DC

Detroit, MI- Huge throngs of Americans, estimated in the hundreds of thousands, began their march, from Detroit and Chicago, seeking asylum in the nation’s capitol today. “Our cities used to be beautiful burgeoning hubs for manufacturing and commerce,” said march organizer and Detroit resident, Darnell Robinson. “Now we are just a big deadly shithole! People … Read more


Trump Strikes Deal With Monsanto To Curb Illegal Alien Reproduction

St. Louis, MO- In what the left is calling an illegal backroom deal and a constitutional crisis, President Trump, on his inauguration day in 2017,  secretly inked a deal with multinational agrochemical giant, Monsanto, to reduce the reproductive birthrate of illegal aliens within the United States borders. “Today is a great day for Monsanto and … Read more

Amtrak Train Engineer Was Syrian Refugee

Tacoma, WA- Local authorities are now reporting that the Amtrak 501 train that crashed this morning was piloted by a former Syrian refugee who entered the country through the visa lottery program 6 years ago. According to Pierce County sherrif’s office public information officer, Paul Slider, the train’s engineer, Mahmood al’Basheer, had been piloting trains … Read more

scaramucci foul mouth, swearing

Scaramucci Wants To Get Back To The Future

Washington, DC- At this morning’s press briefing, new White House communications director, Michael J. Scaramucci announced that the President has called for a yuge investment into the future. “The President and I are working hard to move this [expletive deleted] country into the future,” Scaramucci began. “While those [expletive deleted] democrats want to give you … Read more


The Russian Hacking Investigation Makes One Thing Perfectly Clear

San Francisco, CA- We have now heard testimony before Congress, ad nauseum. We have heard the pundit spin doctors who tell us what we should think, to a sickening degree. And what have we learned? We have learned that everyone in our federal government, elected, appointed or hired, is just another cog in an enormous … Read more

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