Sacramento, CA- The Sacramento Bee is reporting that California Governor, Jerry Brown hosted a Democratic strategy summit today with notable figures, Barack Obama and former Mexican President, Vicente Fox.
The summit, a meeting of Democrat minds, is an effort to thwart the rising tide of conservatism in the country. The two main topics that were discussed were a viable platform for the Democratic Party and sanctuary for illegal aliens.
“Sanctuary for illegal aliens is our top priority in California,” stated Governor Brown. “We must provide safe space for these underprivileged peoples. We must uphold the sanctity of humanity whether a person is law abiding or not. We are all human. There is no place in California for racism.”
“The government and people of Mexico stand with California,” said Fox. “Mexicans that have made their way to the United States must be treated with great care and humanity. These people have made a decision, at great risk to their own lives, to leave their home country, not to be treated as less than human, but to be recognized as people who need someone to take care of them. We, as a government, will refuse to take these people back. Once they make it to America, we will now recognize them as Americans. We have no place for them in Mexico any longer.”
Barack Obama, although mostly subdued, did make some key statements. “America will not tolerate abuses or deporting of DACA kids, and quite frankly, any undocumented aliens from our country. And I will promise you this, Donald Trump will never get his great racist wall as long as I have life in my body. I have no doubt I will be living much longer than he.”
Governor Brown has promised to release a readout of today’s meeting before the end of the week.
Obama also saif Trump wouldn’t get elected! Obummer needs to slither away!